Retail CCTV Installation In Melbourne

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Home » Retail Stores Security Systems » Retail CCTV Systems

Powerful Protection for Your Business

Retail CCTV Systems in Melbourne stores offer powerful protection for your livelihood. They deter criminals, keep your staff safe, reduce employee theft, and can lower your insurance costs.

But your retail security systems are only as good as the technologies you use. That’s why we rely on products produced under the supervision of specialist security engineers.

Here are the retail CCTV systems we use in Melbourne stores:

  • Time-Lapse Recorders
  • Color HD Cameras
  • Night Vision
  • Mobile Viewing
  • Dome Cameras
  • Bullet Cameras
  • Network Viewing

Our expert security advisors will work with you (and these products) to devise the best security plan for your store.

Smart Functionality from Smart CCTV Cameras

Check in on your store from wherever you are, whenever you want to. That’s powerful.

Retail CCTV System Installation

Retail CCTV system installation is incredibly important if you want to get the most out of your surveillance technologies. We’ve installed thousands of cameras over the past two decades. Over that time, we’ve built a quality framework that we stand behind.

Your wiring should be protected against vandals and the weather – to ensure your CCTV system is always operational. Your cameras should be suited to their purpose, meaning that you may need more than one type of camera across different areas of your store. And the technologies you’ll be relying on should be user-friendly, high quality, and reliable.

Finally, you should be just as impressed with our cleanliness and professionalism as you are the final result of our work. Nothing short of the best will do.

Why Do You Need a

Retail CCTV System


You need a Retail CCTV system because it improves your bottom line on two fronts. Firstly, they allow you to monitor your employees. Since you can check-in anytime, not just when you’re on-site, your employees will maximise their productivity and align with safety procedures. If a workplace injury occurs, this footage can be vital.

Secondly, they act as a powerful defensive tool against loss.

An in-store CCTV system will halt employee theft. You might be happy for your employees to take home some of your stock, but employee theft can quickly become a real issue. Employees are less likely to skim products from the store (without permission) if they know there’s a chance they’ll get caught. Stop employee theft in its tracks, or keep it to an acceptable minimum, with CCTV security cameras for your retail store.

Potential criminals will also be deterred by CCTV security cameras in your store. Why would they risk getting caught stealing or vandalising your property when there are softer targets without cameras? Not to mention that you’ll be able to produce  clear footage for the police if they get away.

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Brands We Work With

Provision ISR
Avigilon Company
HLLS logo
Dahua Technology
AXIS Communications
NESS Corporation
FSH Electromechanical Locking